Saturday, April 17, 2010

...Used to portray the UCLA Cycling Team's Season (Lab 3: Neogeography)

The above map shows the progress of the UCLA Cycling Team during its 2010 Road Racing Season. The locations highlighted include the route of the race, results, date, and pictures if available.

The idea of neogeography allows people to map anything of interest they would like to take and show the world. In the same way that various networking sites exchange information, neogeography is yet another tool for people to share information. It is an amazing vehicle for people to share their favorite places to eat, point out locations to tourists, or even map out the progress of a sports team as done above. Neogeography is another way of making the world a smaller place by making information available that may not be available otherwise.

Though it is fantastic to think that people can share whatever information they please via neogeography, this method of geography does not come without any issues. Primarily, we have the issue that there are no professionals regulating the information that is portrayed, so some information that is shared may be inaccurate or misleading. Another setback, is that this is a very subjective way of sharing information. For example, if I made a map showing all the best bike shops in town, I may be biased towards one specific bike shop (i.e. the bike shop that sponsors my team), in hopes of bringing the bike shop more customers by taking away from other bike shops in the area.

Overall, I feel neogeography is a great way to find and share information that you may find interesting or useful. As long as the inherent issues are acknowledged, this is a great tool to find primary information for an upcoming vacation, eating excursion, or to follow a teams progress.

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