Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 7: Spatial Analysis

3-D visual of Santa Monica Mountains (View from inland towards ocean)

Using the USGS website as a source for my DEM, and using the freeways to guide myself, I selected an area containing the Santa Monica Mountains. If I was accurate, the above maps go along the coast beginning at Santa Monica, all the way to Malibu. I chose to map this area because it is where I do a lot of training for my cycling team, and I figured it would be interesting to see how intense the terrain looks on a map. The Shaded relief, slope, and aspect maps have a view from the ocean looking inland. The 3-D model however, is the opposite, and is a view from inland looking out towards the ocean. I moved the 3-D model into this perspective to show all the peaks, or at least most of them.

Extent Information:
- Top: 34.286
- Bottom: 33.995
- Left: -119.132
- Right: -118.494

Geographic Coordinate System Info:
- North American Datum 1983
- UTM Zone 10

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